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vineri, 1 iulie 2011

The Warrior-pvp view

Well then,I'm really bored today so I've decided to update this blog about the warrior (wanna finish warior guide today and if possible to start another role guide)
For starters,if you already have a high level warior if you think your build is good enough for pvp,forget it.You must undergo an atribute reset,otherwise you will be a walking-hamburger rather than a warior.

There are some ways of equiping your warrior for pvp and I will write down some of them:
-Cs/Gl damage set = the good thing is that it gives about everything you could need as a warior:damage,dodge,strength etc.,the bad thing is that you occupy all your clothing slots with this gear to make it's effect
- normal clothing = in here you put clothes you may think might work for your warrior in pvp like def set,20% ms boots,damage WB and 2% critical hat for example.The good thing is that you can customize this gear as you wish,the bad thing is that you'll never get as many bonuses as from de damage clothes (refering only to clothes)
So it's entirely your choice,but I would recommend the normal clothing gear because of the extra defence (600 max def isn't quite nothing) and the other stuff it gives.

In pvp you should know that the dmg type ornies are of 2 types:energy-damaging and physical-damaging
Energy-damaging ones are Yin and Yang types of damage.These 2 types of damage are excelent at destroying shields and other buffs that protect the person you are battling.So remember,when battleing if a person buffs itself with a shiled or protective buff,using a Yin-Yang weapon is the fastest way to destroy it's protection.
The physical-damaging ones are,obviously,Soul and Body.After your opponent's shields are down go on at him with a Body-Soul weapon,it's faster than with a Yin-Yang weapon.
So in conclusion beeing a warrior,you should have about 2 weapons:an Yin-Yang weapon and a Body-Soul one.
Also as you may know every character,once he/she chooses a clan,an element-rezistance mastery appears,So the clan matters very much in a pvp,because knowing what clan is your opponent,you know what rezistance he has.For example,if you are battling a Sacred Flower warior,you know she has Soul rezistance,so you wont use Body-Soul weapon,you will use Yin-Yang;even though it's an energy-destroying element it still packs more damage against a Body/Soul rezistance player.
Although you will use the Yin-Yang weapon only on nukers,it's good to have it there,just in case.
Also,if you aren't yet 2nd role you can still go for any of SM-GB-EC WD weapons,all of them are quite good for pvp.With a little bit of refine you will dominate quite all players of same level or apropiate level of yours.

Relics depend very much on what kind of warrior you want to make.There are 3 types of warrior-builds that rely entirely on relics and build.

Physical-propose warior
This type of warrior specializes in killing mostly other wariors,mele hybrids and mele heales.In a battle against a ck-user it would be an obvius defeat for your warrior.Well as for relics here,you should put here only dodge and defence relics like defence trinket(+200 def) defence relics(+50/60 def with 2% increase on HP,not on VE),Wan Daye Blue Jade Seal,Dodge Trinket,EC bk str/dex old relics (the +15 ones).I recommend here the Britherhood of Thieves clan relic,for extra damage.
Also if some of your clothes are slotted you should go for some dodge ornaments to boost your chances to avoid an atack of your enemy,or you could try some dexterity ornaments for greater chances to land a hit on your opponent if his dodge is high too.

Chi-kung-propose warior
This relic-build requires also a good anti-ck build,otherwise it would be an useless relic-gear to battle against any ck-user.First of all,I would recommend Wu-tang clan relic for the extra essence boost and ck dodge,Shaolin clan for essence boost and block rate(higher block rate,higher the chances of negating negative effects,like bleeding,paralizing etc.)and Heavenly Demon might work as well because of the extra atack rating and ck atack rating as well (if you are not a warrior).Other relics that might work are bk old wiss,ess,dex and str ones,Wan Daye's Seal,Plate of Heavenly Wind(+500 block rate),Plate of Heavenly Lightning(extra 10% ck dodge) and other relics that may boost your ck def,dodge and atack rating.

General-purpose warior
This build is quite balanced because you can go against wariors as well as against ck-users.The key is combining def/dodge relics with ck def/dodge relics.I will try to give an example of relic-build:Seal of Wan Daye,clan relic (if you are wt,shaolin,or hd),def trinket,dodge trinket and the old bk relics (the +15 ones) for strength,dexterity,essence and wisdom.This is just one example,there are lots and lots of other ways of relic-equiping your warior,I gave you guys just one way.

For physical warior the build is very simple.Essence and Wisdom to a bare minimum (just enough to equip relics),then max out strength,and with the rest of points you pump up dexterity and constitution.
For a chi-kung warior the build is a little more hard to get to.First of all essence at a bare minimum,strength around 200-250,dexterity just as much as weapon requirements asks,constitution you should have around 100-150 and the rest in wisdom for ck dodge and defence.
For general warior build is mostly same as with the chi-kung warior with one difference,lower wisdom and more dexterity.

All clans are good for a warior to pvp,you only need to know how to make your warior rule! :>

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