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vineri, 1 iulie 2011

The Nuker-pve view

The nuker is probably the most entertaining roles to choose,probably because he is a champion at damage (highest damage per hit) a ranged fighter (16 range if I remember well,probably 18 max range with 2nd role mastery but not sure) and quite annoying for the oponent in pvp because of his many many shields,that are made for him to rezist in pvp and pve.His big disadvantage,just like in the warior's case,is that he doesn't have any healing tehniques,so the nuker rely's in pve at a very simple strategy : hit-and-run , practically(if you are a nuker) you hit with a nuke,run until the recasting time of other nukes is over,and then hit again(obviously you wont run towards the monsters you are trying to kill,that would be stupid :D )

Well as we all know,nukers lack defence,and lack a lot of it ! That is why,as a nuker,you start out with a defence-increase buff(which you should max out as fast as possible).But,let's get back to nuker gear,first of all you need defence set,preferablly Wan Daye one's but Conqueror Cave defence sets will do too.Wear these defence sets until CS 6 level,when you can choose to wear CS 6 CK Damage set,practically it's a set that boosts your ck abilities:dodge,damage,wisdom etc.,suit that works preety good on a nuker of that level.Don't worry if your defence will go down,at that level you should have defence buff maxed out along with the other shields that can replace your defence set,if you know how to play the nuker.Later,if you have money you can choose to replace CS CK damage set with a GL CK damage set (same stats as cs ck damage set,only a little higher,so better).But that is entirely your choice,if you preffer ck damage sets over your clasic defence set.But until you reach CS 6 you ought to know with what other clothes your nuker shall wear.Hat-sincerely I prefer the 1/1000 HP hat over the other hats (10/20/30 rezistance hat or 2% increase on crit hat) when it comes to pve.And a HP hat is recommended as soon as you can wear it or as soon as you can get your hands on one.If you're rich you can aim for a 1/1000 hp hat with 2 slots or a 2/1000 hp hat,it's your choice (as long as you have the money) but fairly i would preffer the 2/1000 hp hat instead of the slotted one.As for boots choose movespeed boots,prefferably the extra 20% movespeed ones;if you have money go for the slotted ones.And as for wristbands,at low level you can try the hp/ve ones(they give 100 if I remember well) or slotted dodge ones or hit for the extra ck damage ones (these ones you will keep for ever) but the damage ones are disadvantageous at low levels because dodge or hp/ve is preffered at those levels because of the fast-kill of the monsters and lack of a proper build (low atributes compared to a high-level nuker one's).By the time you reach Icy you should sell the hp/ve or dodge wristbands and go for a ck damage wristband (at least 200).

As for a weapon,you got bracers,not much of a choice but better than nothing.As a nuker you inflict the highest quantity of damage of all the roles.You should'n need any damage ornaments as long as you have a good build,so let's analyze things a bit.High damage comes excelent with ... CRITICAL ! yes go for a full critical slotted bracer (around low FC levels) and you will rule pve.Until 2nd role it would be good for you if you would use EC WD bracers,even GB WD could be good;you could aslotry aiming for Merchant's 10% critical weapons (you make them with flowstones and the weapon from the NPC,you find him around every dungeon,like Cof,Voh etc.) or in the end,you might want to buy a 2-slotted bracer from a player and fill it with critical ornies,it's entirely your choice.

As a nuker,you are bound to be low on defence,that is the reason why you should try to aim for defence relics,or at least strength boosting relics (but not full of them).A defence trinket could work very well for you,along with some 50/60 defence relics.You might need some old bk wisdom and essence relics(if you already have defence relics,if not then search for some old bk strength relics).You could also try Wan Daye's Seal (+5 all atributes),it would work exemplarily on you,it boosts everything.

The build for a nuker is quite easy:
STRENGTH:Keep it at a bare minimum(just for relic requirement)
ESSENCE:You put here with 4 points more than weapon requirement
WISDOM:Everything else
CONSTITUTION:around 20-25
DEXTERITY:Same as strength
After you have maxed out strength,you must pump up essence.Wisdom boosts your ck damage,ck critical rate and ck dodge (but that isn't important in pvp).Essence does increase ck damage too(not as much,but hey it does)so that is why you should pump up essence after wisdom is maxed out.After you max out essence too,it's entirely up to you whether you want to pump strength,dexterity or constitution.If you want to take lower damage from monsters pump strength,if you wanna be hit lesser pump un dexterity,if you wanna rezist longer from monsters hits pump constitution.But remember,strength is penalty-atribute!

As for clan,it really doesn't matter if you keep only for grinding.Just pick one and nuke the monsters out of your way ! :P

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