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luni, 3 ianuarie 2011

The roles

Hi again!This time i will write about the roles you can play because i forgot to post them last time(sorry,my bad)

So let's get started.Once you reach OC 1 (Opening Chi 1 = 25 ) you are able to chose one of the 4 clan roles.I know i said there are 5 roles to play,and this is true because the Vagabond is the 5'th role (To become Vaga you simply dont choose a clan role,simple as that xD)

Now the 4 clan roles are:
-Warrior-which we all have heard a lot about warrior guides so i wont insist
-Chi Kung Artist-although there are some guides on the Internet I'd like to make a few adds of my own when i get to nuker guide
-Holist-because of this role,and the Strategist one I've made my decision to make this blog so expect me to write down a lot on this role and the Strategist
-Strategist-there are uncountable guides for melee healers (or kung-fu healers) but I have not found a ck healer guide(Chi-Kung healer) so this is also one of the roles i will insist on

So,in the end i will make some guides for the following roles:
-Warrior ;
-Nuker ;
-Melee hibrid ;
-CK hibrid ;
-Melee healer ;
-CK healer ;

Cya next time ^_^ .


So,this blog is about a pretty much famous game - 9 Dragons.This game is a MMORPG(masive-multiplayer-online-role-playing-game) in which you should join one of the 6 main clans and well....get strong xD.

There are 2 factions in this game:the White side and the Black side.

The White side clans are Wu-Tang,Shaolin and The League of the Beggars.
The Black side clans are Heavenly Demon,Sacred Flower and The Brotherhood of the Thieves.

In this game there are 5 roles you can occur,some of them playable in more than 1 way.

So these things beeying said,on my next post I will start on writting about the stuff that matters like stat build,gear,leveling etc.